Past Events (Page 3)

Blood Drive

Blood Drive @ Grace Alliance Church   Sunday, March 22 8am – 12:30pm Place:   Timothy Christian School 2008 Ethel Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854   Appointments can be made by phone at 800-933-2566, or online at Click “Schedule Donation” on the right. If never registered, you can search by zipcode and then enter date in…

Bagels and Blessings

Bagels and Blessings

You are invited to stay after service Sunday, March 8th for bagels and an opportunity to connect with our Grace Alliance family.

3/6/2015 Men’s Group meeting – Overcoming temptation

This week’s theme: “Overcoming temptation” We all struggle with sin and temptation. Jesus didn’t liberate us from the struggle, he liberated us to struggle. Before you were just a hostage to sin, but now you’re a soldier. He’s broken the power of sin and secured your future, and now he’s given you the resources to…